Sunday 2 February 2014

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Delhi, India

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery is a fully grown & well established specialist branch of surgery now. a few years back plastic surgery was limited to treatment of burns, trauma, post-cancer resection deformity correction, correction of congenital deformities etc, but now cosmetic surgery is perhaps the most growing part. Cosmetic Plastic surgery is not limited to urban or metropolitan areas but even in rural india, awareness has increased and most of people coming for cosmetic plastic surgery in delhi are from remote areas of Maharashtra, Madhya pradesh , even south india or you can say from Kashmir to Kanya kumari and from Rajasthan to assam and sikkim.

just 10 years back, people used to spend entire life with deformities in their body, but they are vary conscious about it and looking for its plastic surgery. Some credit or better say discredit goes to television media, which shows plastic surgery as a miracle specialty and change everything, rather it should have shown the realistic pictures and capabilities of a plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery.

Cosmetic plastic surgery can be grossly grouped under some headings -
General Plastic Surgery : involving Cleft lip & palate repair, treatment of burn and post burn deformity, reconstruction after trauma , tumor & other similar defects. details on .

Hair Transplant : in recent years has grown tremendously and till now is only permanent and natural solution for baldness, of course hairs you get is little less in density but hair transplant provides you best solution for hair loss. development of follicular unit hair transplant has revolutionized hair transplant. of course some procedures like FUE has been over acclaimed. details you may see on

Face Cosmetic and Plastic surgery procedures : Like
 Rhinoplasty or Nose Plastic Surgery - once limited to celebrities, now the one commonest cosmetic plastic surgery procdures, at least at our place. rhinoplasty involves correction of both shape and function. in my view, functional correction of nose is more important and only functionally competent organs look beautiful. next i avoid using artificial implants like silicone or other plastic material. rhinoplasty at our place, your natural framework  is manipulated and modified & and natural body sources are used to provide you the best shape and functional result. Details you may see on and
other facial cosmetic plastic surgery procedures include - Face lift, Neck lift - Face Cosmetic Surgery ,
 Ear Plastic Surgery  , Eyelid Surgery Blepharoplasty , Lip augmentation Reduction surgery

Breast Surgery : Includes breast augmentation or enlargement (cosmetic surgery procedure), breast reduction or breast lift (practically a reconstructive surgery, as big abd saggy breasts are very problematic to any women) and breast reconstruction after cancer or tumor resection, reconstruction of breast in cases of congenitally absent breasts.
details you may see on
Breast augmentation or enlargement
Breast Reduction or Breast Lift
Gynecomastia or male breast is perhaps the most frequent breast surgery now, we have developed minimally invasive virtually scarless  total chest reshaping for Gynecomastia treatment details you may see on

Liposuction & Body Reshaping : with obesity as new emerging problem in modern human society, liposuction is turning a part and parcel of our life especially in urban areas of India and all over world. this obesity is not only due to fatty and affluent diet & lack of exercise but also its being incorporated in our genes. Liposuction, when developed , was limited to abdomen or stomach only , but now being used for almost every part of body, including hips and thighs, butt, leg, arm, face, chin, almost everywhere. Tumescent Liposuction really revolutionized this cosmetic surgery procedure. Initially was being used only for small pockets of undesired fat, now staged liposuction can change life of morbidly obese patients too, so not only cosmetic surgery, liposuction is being used to treat a potential morbid condition also.
for details of liposuction you may see -
for tummy tuck -

Male and Female Genital Surgery -  Reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery of male and female genital like Vagina Tightening , Vagina Reconstruction , Hymenoplasty , Labiaplasty , Male Genital Surgery including hypospadias urethroplasty, penile enlargement surgery etc.

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